Most definitely. A blown head gasket can cause the temperature to rise and put back pressure into the radiator, therefore possibly causing the radiator hoses to blow, or even bursting the radiator.
blown head gasket
Blown head gasket.
A cracked head.
I don't think a blown intake gasket would cause it to overheat, Most causes of overheating are: thermostat stuck in closed position; faulty water pump; broken fan blades; loose belt; clogged radiator; radiator cap not holding pressure; blown head gasket; low or no coolant; leaking hoses.
I have a 1990 Mustang 5.0. I know for a fact the head gasket is blown. Every time I open the radiator there is a release of pressure. So my answer is yes.
You have a blown head gasket.
I blown head gasket can cause an engine miss which one cause a rough idle.
Blown head gasket or bad radiator cap
stuck closed thermeostat or blown cylinder head gasket.
A blown head gasket will pressurise the cooling system sometimes to the extent of blowing the radiator. A blocked radiator will cause a lack of coolant flow and overheating, which can cause head gasket failiure. Without inspecting the vehicle there is now way to tell which component failed first. Best wishes.
blown head gasket. the easiest way to tell is to open the radiator cap while the cars running BUT BE CAREFUL! if theres antifreeze in there it will spray and burn you! but if you have a blown head gasket when you open the throttle the same white smoke will blow out of the radiator cap. white smoke is a sign of a blown head gasket though.
yes if its stuck closed.