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In most cases the air conditioner does not affect the battery or the alternator unless you are running it than yes, any pull on the electrical system such as a bad compressor that has been turned on for any period of time could more than likely drain a battery. Its not likely that it would kill the alternator or the battery, it is more then likely that if you find your alternator is dead and does not work it was on its way out anyway. But, by turning a bad compressor on you force the brushes and the armature to exert themselves causing them to burn out faster.

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Q: Can a bad compressor effect the alternator or battery?
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Battery light usually means alternator not charging. Most common solutions would be be a bad alternator, bad connection, or loose alternator belt. A replacement alternator can be bad. If it is ok than most likely a poor connection to the alternator.

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Check your battery... The A/C Compressor is probably bad. I had the same problem and when you turn on the ac it engages a clutch that is driven by your fan belt and if the compressor is bad it will stop the belt from turning and stall the engine. The same thing will happen for a bad alternator.

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