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Does an RN have to assist at a car accident site?

No, and neither does an LVN

If you are unable to afford to go to the doctor but you are ttc what stores would you find them at..please i really need help i have been trying for about 6 months?

clarify ttc and I will help joymaker rn

Can a California RN work in another state?

A California RN can only be an RN in California. However, if that same RN was to get registered to be an RN in a different state, they could work there as well.

What is correct an RN or a RN?

Use 'a' before a consonant such as a RN Use 'an' before a vowel such as EOE

What kind of benefits do RN's get?

An RN or registered Nurse will usually have the benefit of being able to self diagnose easily. Nurses also tend to take car of family members and also know the rules and laws behind proper health care.

What element is Rn?

Rn is the symbol for the noble gas, radon.

Who makes more rn's or x-ray tech?


Where you can work as RN?

You have to have a specialized license and training to work as an RN.

Where can you work as a RN?

You have to have a specialized license and training to work as an RN.

How much does an RN get paid in Bakersfield California?

"How much does an RN get paid in Bakerfield California?" "How much does an RN get paid in Bakerfield California?"

What license and certification is required to become an RN..and what is an rn duites?

Yes you have to have a licenes if u dnt how kan u become an rn

What does RN stand for after a doctors name?

RN stands for Registered Nurse