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Definition of 'Conduit IRA'
A traditional IRA that holds only assets that were distributed from a qualified plan. Typically, the intention of using this type of plan is to store assets until they can be rolled into a new employer's qualified plan.
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Q: Can a Conduit IRA be rolled into a traditional IRA?
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Fortunately, you can easily convert your traditional IRA to a Roth IRA during a given tax year. You can contact the company that operates your IRA and have them rollover the traditional IRA to the new Roth IRA.

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Can just plain old deferred compensation be rolled into a 401K plan NO.Go to the IRS gov website and use the search box for Publication 575, Pension and Annuity Income.RolloversIf you withdraw cash or other assets from a qualified retirement plan in an eligible rollover distribution, you can defer tax on the distribution by rolling it over to another qualified retirement plan or a traditional IRA. You do not include the amount rolled over in your income until you receive it in a distribution from the recipient plan or IRA without rolling over that distribution. (For information about rollovers from traditional IRAs, see chapter 1 of Publication 590.)If you roll over the distribution to a traditional IRA, you cannot deduct the amount rolled over as an IRA contribution. When you later withdraw it from the IRA, you cannot use the optional methods discussed earlier under Lump-Sum Distributions to figure the tax.

Can you roll a traditional IRA into a sep IRA?

Yes, and sep to traditional as well

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Can a sep IRA be converted to a traditional IRA?

Technically, the SEP IRA and the Traditional IRA are the same type of account. The only difference is that the SEP IRA is allowed to receive employer contributions. Therefore, you can combine the SEP IRA into the Traditional IRA without any ramifications. When doing so, move the assets as a (nonreportable) trustee-to-trustee transfer.