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With a car seat to boost them up, Yes.

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Q: Can a 5 year old sit in the front seat of a car in UK?
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Can a 9 year old ride in the front seat of a car?

A 9 year old child can ride in the front seat of a car. It is important that they are buckled in and can sit still.

Can a 9 year old sit in the front seat of a car?

no they have to be 13 and older

Can your 6 year old sit in the front of your car in the UK?

A six year old can be placed in the front seat but they must use a booster seat if they are under 135cm tall. Under no circumstances should a rear facing booster seat be used in the front seat.

Can an 11-year-old sit in the front seat of a car in NJ?

No they can't. They can be killed.

Could an 8 year old sit in the front seat of a car with a booster?


Can a 9 year old kid be at the front seat of a car?

yes, but if there is air bsg

How old must a child be to ride in the front seat of a car in Wi?

order then a 10 year old

Can your 3 year old daughter sit in the front seat of the car in her car seat?

no ma'am ___ No, it is unsafe and illegal. You can, and will, get a ticket if you are caught doing so.

Can a10 year old ride in the front seat of a car?

In the UK yes, but if they are under 140 centimetres tall, they are required to use a booster seat/child seat. (But that goes for the back of the car, as well as the front).

Can a three year old ride in the front seat of a pick up truck with no back seat in his car seat in Illinois?

yes but i would suggest disabling the airbag

How old can a kid sit in the front of the seat?

If you're talking about the front seat of a car... You have to be in a car seat until you're 8... So it would be after you got of a car seat and when the seatbelt fits you correctly

How old do you have to be in florida go in the front seat?

you must be 10 years old to ride in the front seat of the car in the us Florida