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It really just depends on the circumstances and you insurance companies underwriting guidelines.

If the 23 year old still lives at home and drives your vehicle(s), then most of your local insurance companies will have no problem with this.

If the 23 year old has a separate residence and has his/her own vehicle then you are no longer considered to have a financial interest that vehicle or their insured status. You can not insure property when you have no insurable interest.

Additionally many of the larger national standard carriers have internal rules that require your child to buy their own policy at a certain age. The company underwriting guidelines just prohibit you adding them after a certain age. This is not a legal matter but a business decision and marketing strategy on the part of the insurance company. At a certain age they want your child to get his own separate policy so the Insurance Company can begin to foster a separate relationship with them as new client.

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Q: Can a 23 yr old licensed driver obtain auto insurance coverage on parent's policy in state of California?
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Can I get insurance with my learner's permit?

No. However, you can obtain coverage as a supplement ( called a rider ) to your parents' insurance policiy.

Are newly licensed drivers covered by their parents insurance for a certain period of time until they can set up their own insurance?

You may need to get your insurance company to add the new driver on with a rider clause to be covered. It is possible that your coverage will allow the new driver, but, some insurance companies do not allow new drivers to be on the parents insurance, They make the new driver get an insurance policy on his or her license before they will cover them in the parents car. Check with your agent before you let the new driver operate the vehicle alone or you may loose your insurance.

Can a son drive parents car?

Yes, if you have their permission, are a licensed or permitted driver, and are covered by insurance and the vehicle is properly licensed and working.

Do you have to be listed on your parents insurance coverage to be coverd by there insurance?

You have to be either named or you have to fit the definition of a named insured on the policy.

Do you have to live with your parents in order to use their insurance coverage in an accident i had an accident with rental car my parents insurance would cover?

You don't have to live there as long as you are listed on the policy.

How do you get car insurance with a learners permit?

You must either have a driver's license or be insured under a licensed driver's insurance. If you are a minor, your parents can add you to their car insurance.

Do you have to live with your parents in order to use their insurance coverage in an accident?

You do not have to live with them as long as you are listed on the policy.

Are there age limitations in the state of Ca regarding auto insurance coverage on parents policy?

No, but there are licensing requirements.

If you're a college student covered under your parent's medical insurance and you're getting married are you dropped from their coverage once married?

As soon as the insurance company gets wind that you are married they will drop you from their coverage. If you are caught using their insurance they will probably try to charge you with fraud or cancel your parents insurance.