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Q: Can a 17 year old have more than one passenger in the car?
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Can a 16 year old driver have passengers in the car?

They can have one other passenger that is under 18 in the car with them. At age 16 you can have people in the car 2-4 people depending on the state

Can you drive with an Instructional Permit in Georgia with more than one passenger in the car and with a child in the car?


How old do you have to be to drive more than one person in a car?

You must have your license for 6 months in order to drive more than one passenger in your vehicle.

Where is the pcv located on a Lincoln town car?

more than likely on the rear side of the passenger valve cover.

Is car insurance more expensive on a truck?

Truck insurance generally costs more than insurance on a regular passenger car..... if both policies were alike in coverage amounts.

What is more likely to happen - a bus crash or a plane crash?

There are many more buses than passenger airplanes, so even though buses can be safer per passenger mile, there are more bus crashes. You WAY more likely to be in a bus crash, then in a plane crash. thousands, and thousands of car/automobile's crash every year. And only about a few hundred plane's crash a year.

How many people in the world drive a car?

In 2002, the world's passenger car fleet hit 531 million. A quarter of these cars were in the United States, a country with just five percent of the world's population, and a long known love affair for the automobile. The average car in the US travels 10 percent more each year than a car in the United Kingdom, about 50 percent more than one in Germany, and almost 200 percent more than a car in Japan.â€

Why does the passenger die more than the driver in car accidents?

because nobody turns in front of a vehicle on their own side. let the passenger take the hit and cushion the impact.

In a passenger car or truck with a manufacturers rated carrying capacity of not more than 1500 pounds which of the following must use safety belts?

all passengers

Can a 15 year old with a driving permit have passenger in the car in Minnesota?


How much for license?

depends on your state. Personalized plates are more expensive than regular plates.

How many are the passenger car models to look forward to launched by Toyota?

Toyota has a number of passenger cars launched this year.