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A 17 year old can not enter into a legally binding contract. Therefore a parent or guardian must countersign the Insurance Application.

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Q: Can a 17 year old get insurance on parents car without parent being on insuracne policy?
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Can a 16 year old girl get car insurance without having her parents on the insurance company?

A minor can not legally enter into most binding contracts As a result a parent or guardian is usually required to approve or authorize a contract by signature. So Although, Yes,, they can obtain Auto Insurance Without the parents listed as named insureds on the insurance contract, However, A parents signature will still be required on the insurance application authorizing the minor to enter into the contract.

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In Ohio Does a minor have to be on the parent's driving insurance?

A minor has to be on the insurance of a person 18 years or older - which is usually their parents.

Can a minor in the state of Florida have their own auto insurance policies or do they have to be placed on their parents' insurance?

In the state of Florida a minor cannot have an auto insurance policy unless a parent signs for it. Usually if said minor lives with their parents they are usually just put on their parent's policy

Can you borrow your parent's car without being a named driver on their insurance policy?

Yes, you can borrow your parents' car without being a named driver on their insurance policy. Depending on the type of policy and its actual rules, you might or might not be covered in case of an accident.

Your sister got into an accident with your car and you don't have insurance she is listed under the parents insurance who pays?

Parent's policy pays

In the state of Georgia does a person with just a learners permit have to have auto insurance?

no. because as long as the parents has insurance they are fine. And this is only if the parent adds them on their insurance.

If your parents have insurance and your living with them do you have insurance on the cars?

Technically yes, the insurance goes straight to your family. But you can't tamper with it unless you have an ID and your parent's permission.

In Washington state what parent is responsible if 16 year old without insurance is in accident?

The custodial parent.

Can a teenager get a California auto insurance quote without a parents permission?

If they're under 18, then no. Minors can't enter into contracts, so they need the parent to sign the policy.

How does a 16 year old girl get auto insurance when her parent has a suspended licence?

Your parents status should have no effect on your ability to get insurance.