

Best Answer

Wages can only be garnished for three reasons. 1. IRS 2. Child Support 3. Student loans. Anyone that told you different committed fraud if it was a collector. go to at the consumer section and you will read all your looking for

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Q: Can Texas garnish wages for an auto repossession?
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Can Virginia garnish your wages for an auto repossession?

Your wages can be garnished for an auto repossession if there is a court order. All wage garnishment's must be obtained from the county court of your residence.

Can a auto finance company garnish your wages in a repossession?

Yes, if they obtained a judgment in the processes. No employer will release wages to a third party without a valid order of garnishment however.

Can an auto repossession cause wage garnishment if the car was purchased in Texas but I live in Louisiana?

That is a sticky question they could come to your state and garnish

Can auto finance garnish unemployment for loan balance?

no. the only things that can garnish your wages is federal and state.

Can wages be garnished after a repossession to collect the balance?

Can wages be garnished for the balance of an auto loan in the state of Delaware

Can wages be garnished for auto repossession in MD?

if your car is repossesed than it just goes ony our credit your wages wont be withheld

Can they garnish your wages in Texas if you are sued for an auto accident you only work 16 hours a week?

Yes. The fact that you only work part time is irrelevant to the plaintiff's attempts to collect a debt owed to them.

What states require auto repossession licensing?

Texas, Oregon, Washington and others.

Can your wages be garnished for an auto lease repossession in Florida even if the leased vehicle has been turned in?

Yes, if there is still an amount owed.

Who regulates auto repossession in Texas?

NO state agency or board. Any complaints should go to the State Attorney General office.

Do you receive notification before auto repossession?

You will receive notices that your payments have not been received, making your auto subject to repossession, but you will not receive a date and time of the repossession.

How much is a repo fee from gm?

Repossession fees are variable for all auto lenders. Repossession fees are real costs that are accrued in the repossession of a vehicle, or based on these costs. Fuel, number of visits, wages, insurance, etc. are all taken into account. So the repossession fee on one vehicle may be vastly different, greater or less, than the fees on another.