You can have someone take over the payments if they meet the credit requirements of the bank you have the financing with. You might also be able to get someone that wants your car to get their own financing to pay off your car.
The best place to go for advice about someone taking over car payments is the local bank. They will be able to offer advice about what to do if someone is no longer able to pay their car payments.
Contact the lender and get their approval.
Yes, the take over payments car for sale is still available.
Only you would have that problem.
Best way to do this is to talk to the place that holds the note on the car. They will usually work out something. If someone has power of attorney it would help out. They could just simply do a take over payments on the books.
Get someone to take over payments, via an ad in the paper. Trade it in, or give it back to the bank, and take the hit on your credit.
For someone to take over the payments they must essentially get a new loan for the payoff amount in their name. This new loan will pay off your loan and will make thir payoff amount higher than yours.
When you fail to make payments, they go after the co-signer. It can affect his credit. If he makes the payments he can take the car. You wouldn't want to make payments for someone else's car.
This is usually a situation where someone owes money on their car, but cannot make the payments or they want to get a different car. They will offer the car up to you in exchange for you taking over the car payment. Essentially, you just take over paying what they owe and you own the car.
Renegotiate the loan with the lender. Sell the car to someone else or have them take over the payments. The very last thing you want to do is default on the loan.
You can take over the payments on a loan because the lending institution doesn't care who they get their money from BUT, until the car is paid in full, you have no rights to it and the responsibility for the car still is on the original purchasers credit. If you miss payments, the bank goes after him. They will not accept,,"someone else is supposed to be making the payments". You will own nothing and the original owner can simply drive the car away when it's paid for.