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As long as he will not drive the car or have any other need for you to insure him, yes drop him.

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Q: Can I drop my adult son from my insurance if he doesn't drive my car?
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Can I drop my adult son who lives at home from my insurance if he doesnt drive my car?

Depends if you live in a "no fault" state. Here in NYS ther is no such thing as an "excluded driver" other than for a busboy that might climb into your car to get suitcases or a similar situation in which in th ecourse of business someone may have access to your car.I googled NYS insurance regulations and laws as I read so many posts that said otherwise.The only wasy to exclude him is to have him get his own insurance and report that to your insurance co. Suggest you google your state's insurance web site. Now here in NY, an adult son does not need to be listed as a driver on the policy , but must be listed as a member of your household, so th einsurance co. can jack up your rates based on his driving record.

What age does car insurance drop for young males?

Car Insurance Rates Drop After Age 25

What does it mean when you say permission to drive the car Should the driver's name be included in the insurance policy?

The drivers name must be on the policy in order to drive the car. Permission should be given with extreme caution. If the friend wrecks the car, your insurance could call that irresponsible and drop coverage.

If you have a car but you dont drive it whether you need to have insurance even at that point?

Insurance is required by loan companies and many states if you have the vehicle registered. If you don't have a loan and you don't drive the car you should be able to drop the coverage. You may be able to get a waiver from the state if they want proof of insurance on a vehicle that isn't being driven but has valid plates.

Does lady blackhope in wizard 101 drop any pets?

no she doesnt but she does drop wings

Can you drop your health insurance coverage at anytime from your employer?

Can you drop your health insurance coverage at anytime from your employer?Read more: Can_you_drop_your_health_insurance_coverage_at_anytime_from_your_employer

Can you drop you health insurance coverage at anytime from your employer?

Can you drop your health insurance coverage at anytime from your employer?Read more: Can_you_drop_your_health_insurance_coverage_at_anytime_from_your_employer

How do you drop sr-22 insurance in Washington state?

You don't have to drop your auto insurance. Just notify your insurance company that you are no longer need the SR22 filing and they can remove it from your policy.

Is it illegal for a homeowners insurance company to drop you?

No, it is not illegal for a homeowners insurance company to drop you. But they have to follow the rules for cancellations and non-renewals for the state they are operating in. For example, in Louisiana, if you have been with your homeowners insurance company for 3 years, they can't drop you. In Florida your homeowners insurance company can drop or cancel you but they must meet the minimum notification timeframes.

Can you take granddaughter off car insurance?

Does Granddaughter not live with you anymore and not drive vehicle ever? If Granddaughter has moved into her own house and never drives any of your cars then yes you can drop her from your insurance. If she is still a member of your household or drives any of your vehicles then no you cannot taker her off your insurance.

Can you get your drivers license at 18 if you drop out?

yes you will be an legal adult but is not recommended to drop out of school

How can I drop my 18 year old son from auto policy?

An 18 year old is legally an adult and may have their own insurance policy. You would need to inform him that you would be dropping him, and give him time to make alternate arrangements. You would then have to call the insurance company.