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Q: Can Antifreeze in the gas tank cease the engine?
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Could dirt in the gas tank cause a car engine to cease?

No. It won't cause it to cease. It could cause other problems that may lead it to cease. Dirt in a gas tank will most likely get clogged in the inline fuel filter, causing your car to run rough due to lack of gas getting to the injectors or carb.

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If you mix antifreeze and oil and put it in a gas tank what happens?

You have a mess.

What to do if accidentally put antifreeze in gas tank of automobile?

You'd need to drop your fuel tank and drain it out.

What happens if youput antifreeze in halffull gas tank?

Antifreeze will burn; however, if it's been diluted with water 50/50 (which is how it's used), the engine will not run very well at all and there will be a lot of white smoke from the tailpipe.

What happens if you put antifreeze in a gas tank?

The first, and most likely result will be that the engine won't run any farther than the fuel in the lines will carry it, antifreeze will not burn so once it hits the injectors the engine will stop. In the tank it will pool at the bottom as it is denser than the fuel and will be the only thing the fuel pump will pick up. The problem is that you will then need to clean the entire fuel system. If you did not start the car, you need to remove the tank and drain everything out of it. Wash it inside with gas. Reinstall the tank, add couple bottles of dry gas, fill up the tank. Start the car. You might have to use dry gas more than once, if there is any moisture trapped within the tank (drying will not work because antifreeze takes forever to evaporate).

What does iodine in a gas tank Do?

Iodine in a gas tank will run the engine. It will cause rust, and will corrode the engine to the point that the engine will seize.

Antifreeze in gas tank?

I doubt it. I think you have water in your tank because it's no way how antifreeze can go in your tank unless you puuted it there. So if you have water in your tank, just buy stuff which is called dry gas. And everytime when you fill your tank add required quantity. To get rid of water in your tank you will need to do that at least 3 times, it depends on how much of water you have.

Are gas tanks air tight?

Gas tanks are designed to be air tight, because gasoline is a volatile liquid and you do not want it to evaporate out of the tank. Of course, a gas tank can be damaged, and may cease to be air tight.

How does gas get from the tank to the engine?

It is pumped to the engine by a fuel pump.

How do you get into the gas tank to change the fuel filter?

The fuel filter isn't inside of the gas tank. It is in the line somewhere between the gas tank and the engine.

Will sugar in gas tank make gas spill from the tank?

Putting sugar in a gas tank will mean a trip to the garage since the sugar will ruin the gas filter and go into the engine.