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There is no way to go ahead and get a temp plate on a Sunday unless the car lot gives you one. Many car lots will give a temp plate, but it is up to the dealer.

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Q: Buying a car from lot in spokane wa and they say i have to wait 2 days so they can get a temp plate from dmv when it opens Tuesday how can i get a temp on a sunday and get my car now?
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Buying a car from lot in spokane wa and they say i have to wait 2 days so they can get a temp plate from dmv when it opens Tuesday how can i get a temp on a sunday and get my car now-?

Unfortunately there is no way to force the Bureau of Motor Vehicles to open on a Sunday so that you can get your car now. The soonest you will be able to get a temporary plate on your car will depend on when they open and how busy they are.

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