Check the electrical plug at the fuel pump for melt-down damage. Check the inertia fuel pump shut down switch. Check the fuse. Check the relay.
In the plastic housing full of relays and fuses.
try changing the fuel filter
It's located inside of the fuel tank - the fittings & wiring are on the very top of the tank.
try looking on a car website sorry dont no much about what you said
It is under the hood on the passenger side its the green one the brown is the eec relay
its on the passenger side bye the air box its a green relay
Where is fuel filter on 1988 bronco II?" HOW TO CHANGE IT ---- It is located underneath the car, driver side area.
The fuel pump on the frame is not strong enough to pull fuel directly from the tank. Ford and their wonderful two pump system. You'll need to replace the pump in the tank.
check computer and odbI codes !
You need to replace your fuel pump
You need to replace your fuel pump
It is located on the toe-board to the right of the transmission hum in the passenger side foot area.