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Q: Blue colour in glass is obtained by adding?
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magnify glass
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What is the colour obtained on mixing sky blue and red?

mixing red and blue produces purple.

Which substance is used for giving blue colour to glass?

copper sulphate

Why glass lined reactor in blue colour?

glass inner colur is blue because silicon gel is used for that one

What secondary Color is obtained by mixing blue and red colours?

It would produce a purple colour.

What colour is formed when yellow light reflect on a green glass?

I think "Blue" not sure though

What color you get when mix red and purple?

You get a colour called burgundy if you mix purple with red. It's just like adding blue and red together but more red. If you do the opposite (adding red and blue but more blue) then you will get violet.

What other colors make a color?

Yellow + Blue = Green Blue + Red = Purple Red + White = Pink Red + Yellow = Orange Black + White = Grey Adding white to a colour will make it lighter (except red, which makes a completely new colour - pink) Adding a little black to a colour will make it darker.

Why is seawater blue?

Sea is actually not blue its transprent.If you take some water in a transprent glass its transprent.there actually a blue pigment present in there.The blue you see (haha) is the color of the reflected sky above itsunlight have 7 colour .when the sunlight enter in water some of colour will reflaction from water but blue colour is not reflactiol all some of colour will be left in water sothat seawater looking blue.

When adding liquid soap to red cabbage juice what color will it turn?

blue-pinky colour.

What does brown plus blue equal?

Brown is the result of mixing all three primary colours (Red Blue & Yellow). Adding more blue will deepen the colour of brown.