Decide if the pass is necessary
If you mean passing on a 2 lane road, your first major step is to make sure no cars are in the lane of oncoming traffic for at least 1/2 mile or more especially if the speed limit is 50mph or above.
Be sure you are in a passing zone.
Be sure you are not in a no passing zone.
Check mirror
When passing a vehicle that is on your right, you check to the front, side, and rear before putting on your turn signal and moving into the left lane. Remember to check your blind spot too.
When passing a vehicle that is on your right, you check to the front, side, and rear before putting on your turn signal and moving into the left lane. Remember to check your blind spot too.
Check your blind spot over your left shoulder, then your review mirror, then signal, shoulder-check again, then pass. Always, always, ALWAYS shoulder-check before signalling.
Make sure the road is clear of oncoming traffic, and be sure you have enough room to complete the pass safely.
You need to specify what you mean by a "vehicle" Before that question can be sensibly answered.
The 2-second rule should be observed in all situations including when passing. The 2-second rule means that there should be a 2-second interval between the first vehicle passing a stationary object and the next vehicle passing it. This usually works out to about 1 car length for every 10 miles per hour.
Is it safe/legal to pass in this area?
Give way
Look behind you