I was thinking about buying new carpet. How much, on average, would a carpet installation cost me?
The average gas fireplace installation cost is about $500. It is cheaper than a wood burning foreplace installation.
what is the average cost for tile backsplash installation?
$75 hr
4.75 ayard
The average installation cost for a commercial security system is around $100. This answer was gathered from a website that provided this answer to an individual asking the same question.
The average cost for tile installation is $7.44 - $10.90
Tile installation depends on the cost of materials and how large a space you are doing. It will average between 500 and 2000 dollars.
The average cost of a gunite pool is $75,000. The price for the installation of this type of pool can range from $50,000 to $100,000.
The average cost of floor installation for wood floors in Saint Augistine, Florida is about six hundred dollars. It varies greatly depending on how large the house is.
My father is getting older and can't get in and out of the bathtub by himself. Someone suggested getting a Bath Fitter tub, how much does installation cost?
i think $5000?