Most accidents happen between the hours of 7am and 9am and 4pm and 6pm. This is when 76% of the accidents in the USA occur.
within 7 miles
Most accidents happen where there are the most people. HOWEVER, about 50% of fatal accidents happen on rural roads.
when sam farts in the car When you are distracked by a phone call or texting.
Most accidents in urban areas occur at intersections, where multiple roads intersect. Other common accident locations in urban areas include parking lots, pedestrian crossings, and areas with heavy traffic congestion.
Most accidents occur on take-off.
accidents usually happen at night time or in the morning they could happen at any time present and future
you cannot tell exactly when NHTSA surveys show most traffic collisions occur between 3:00-6:00 P.M. on weekdays. (rush hour)
Interstates and other main roads of the like which have the highest posted speed limits.
at an intersection