You should have about 10 PSI per 1000 RPM; a touch higher at low RPM and a tough lower at high RPM.
If you car idles at around 800 RPM, 10-15 PSI is good.
The 250 - 275 value mentioned by another poster would likely blow oil past all of your seals if it were possible ot get oil preasure that high.
40 on idle
40 on idle up to 60 while on the move.
Running fuel pressure at idle should be high 30s to lower 40s. Ideally 41-44.
factory spec. is around 25 to35 psi
For the 2.0 4 cylinder it should be 9-13 psi, with a minimum of 13 psi deadhead pressure. With the 2.8 liter 6 cylinder it should be 5.5 to 6.5 psi at idle, there is no deadhead specification. Deadhead pressure is pressure at idle with the return line pinched off.
idle speed for a 99 Tahoe
key on engine not running 58-64 psi engine running at idle pressure should drop by 3-10 psi
Anything above 5 psi at idle will lubricate your engine. There is no maxim oil pressure for a 2003 Chevy Trailblazer. When the engine is cold and the oil is thick you should see 60 to 80 psi.
Should be around 25-30 psi. 15-20 at idle speed in drive.
ABOUT 1,000
The oil pressure gauge will fluctuate on a Chevy Tahoe when the vehicle is idling and when the vehicle is driven at highway speed. Idle is usually 30 psi oil pressure or slightly more. At highway speed, the oil pressure should be between 60 psi and 80 psi.
It is normal for the oil pressure to drop when the engine is warmed up and at an idle.