c. both
One year drivers license suspension in Oregon
Urinating in a public place can be considered a sexual offense. You could be charged with indecent exposure or public lewdness. If you are convicted you may have to register as a sex offender.
SIx month loss of drivers license and option to attend classes. POSSIBLE hardship limitation to license considered if you can show cause why.
He could be charged as an adult, convicted of sexual crimes, up to and including statutory rape, a felony, with prison time, and forced to register as a sex offender for the rest of his life.
While the information that you are a convicted felon in another state may be ruled inadmissable at trial and the info withheld from the jury, if you are found guilty it CAN affect the decision on your sentence. Your status as a repeat offender felony offender WOULD be known to the judge at time of sentencing and COULD have a bearing on the sentence that you are given.
If he has been convicted of a felony offense, any state will extradite him. There are very few foreign countries he could go to which would not happily send him home to Alabama . And in most of those countries, he had better not get caught with drugs. They have sentences like 'eternal incarceration.'
The euphemism for "criminal" could be "wrongdoer" or "offender."
Could this make you a Sex offender?
At the time of sentencing, the judge will pronounce two periods of time: a minimum and a maximum. for instance, an offender may be given a sentence of 10 to 40 years. The ten years is the minimum, and in Truth in Sentencing states, that offender will do ten years before ever being considered for parole. In states where administrative "good time" is still given, the offender with a ten year sentence could do as little as five years before being considered for parole. It all depends upon the sentencing statutes of the state in which the offender was convicted. Also, when the offender is delivered to the DOC in your state, the paperwork that accompanies him will display a "Conditional Release Date." This is the soonest he can be considered for parole. It is possible also that in some states the judge may pronounce a "flat" sentence, that is only one period of time will be mentioned in the sentence, say ten years. Depending on the sentencing laws of that state, the offender may have to do the full sentence and discharge from prison at the end with no parole, or he could be held on parole for a determined or indeterminate amount of time. The law is capricious about sentencing.
i guess you could....
They could go to jail for that