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As surprising as it may seem but you would actually be safe inside a car if you were caught in a lighting storm.

In the open, humans can be electrocuted in a lighting storm as humans can conduct electricity. However, if you compare the conductivity of a metal car and a human body then a car would be a better conductor of electricity.

You may ask "but would you be electrocuted as well if you were in a car whilst it was electrocuted" The answer to that is simply no. To explain we must understand how electricity is transferred when it is released in a lighting storm. When electricity is released inside a thunder cloud, all electricity finds the quickest route to ground. So if a lighting bolt struck a human body and a car simultaneously than the lighting would hit the ground quicker if it hit the car as it is a better conductor of electricity of a car. Also, in a car, you are sat on a leather seat with other non metal objects and they act like insulating materials, which don't conduct electricity.

To sum it up simply, you can die if you were directly struck by lighting but a car to some degree would stay intake if that was struck by lighting. If you were sat inside a car and it was struck by lighting, the lighting would go the the tallest part of the car, which it could be the Ariel, then the electricity itself would travel around the metal car frame to the brakes, where it's in contact with the tyre and that it contacted to the ground. Reason that you wont be conducted is due to a few reasons but the main one is that a human body isn't as good as at conducting electricity compare to a huge metal car.

This explains in some videos and cases where people inside a car gets hit by lightning but they don't get harmed what do ever with the exception of damages like shattered glass, and the car tyres exploded. This is also why people are advised that if they were in a car and was caught for some reason in a lighting storm, then you should stay in the car instead of going outside the car.

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Q: Are you safe in a car during a lightning storm?
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Where is the safest place when there is lightning?

in order from safe to unsafe a car, a house (as long as you are not using the shower or sink and not using appliances, lying face down on the ground, in middle of a field. you become a lightning rod if you are the tallest object around like in middle of a field.

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in a building or car if out somewhere

5 ways to stay safe in lightning and thunderstorm?

Stay inside a solid building during severe thunderstorms. You'll also be safe in a car, as long as it's not a convertible Avoid pipes, appliances, and talking on the phone during a storm. Lightning can travel through metal pipes and wires. If you're forced to stay outside during a thunderstorm, keep away from high places, water, and tall objects. These attract lightning. If you can't find shelter, crouch down to make yourself as short as possible.

Should you get out of your car if lightning comes close?

no! a car is a safe place to be.

Why is it safer to be inside a car than standing under a tree during lightning?

Because of the rubber in the tires. It also has to do with being lower to the ground. And generally, it's pretty stupid to stand under a tree during a lightning storm, seeing how lightning goes for the tallest thing it can or the tallest thing around.

How you can safe by lightning?

I think the question is... 'How can you keep safe in a thunder storm'? If so, stay INDOORS with no metal on you or anything.....NO UMBERELLAS.....But if you are really really scared,go in a car and stay, stay indoors, with lights off or go into a car and wait till it goes away;)

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Lots of rain, somtimes thunder, and lightning. In some places, even hail. The safest place to be during a storm is in a car, because the metal on the outside will carry it to the rubber tires, not hurting you.

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If you are in a car, pull over to the side of the road and turn off your lights. Wait until the sand storm passes.

What lightning do to car alarms?

Any shock to your vehicle's electric system will, more often than not, cause some sort of damage, though it has happened that a vehicle had been stuck by lightning without any noticeable affects at all.

If your car gets struck by lightning will there be any damage?

My car was stuck by lightning while I was driving. The entire electrical harness needed to be replaced and even after that was replaced we still had issues. The lightning struck the antenna and then arced to the trunk. It melted the antenna and part of the trunk lid.