== == In most states, the DRIVER is held responsible for ensuring that ALL passengers are buckled in. The driver pays the fine, in this case.
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If you have gotten the ticket, there is very little you can do about it. Chances of getting relieved of the cost of the ticket is very low unless someone can prove that the meter was wrong.
Traffic tickets are not given to the car. The person that got the ticket is responsible. Tickets that are given to the car the renter is responsible. ie parking tickets
The person in who's name the the ticket was issued is responsible for the ticket.
Yes, in the state of Wisconsin a license can be suspended for not paying a traffic ticket.
The ticket is attached to the car, and the owner of the car. We loaned someone a vehicle of ours years ago, and she racked up many parking tickets at a college. Guess who was responsible for the tickets, the owner is. Unless the ticket is handed to you with your name on it, the owner is responsible.
The estate is responsible for the fine, not the family. If the estate has been closed, and the proper processes were followed, the entity issuing the ticket is not going to be able to collect. Contact the estate executor or an attorney for specifics for your state.
The CEO of the corporation is responsible for paying the ticket because the vehicle belongs to his/her corporation but the person driving the vehicle at the time of the infraction (if known) should reimburse the corporation for committing the offense.
Going to jail.
The person who's name is on the ticket would be responsible.The person who's name is on the ticket would be responsible.