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No. DMV ties the insurance to the license plates. If you still have the plate, then the state wants to see active insurance. This is the only way they know you still have the vehicle. In Florida, you can turn in the plates and receive a receipt for them. This will allow you to obtain new plates at no charge when you get another vehicle. You can also sell them back for up to 100.00 and pay for a new plate later when you purchase a new car.

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Q: Are you responsible for maintaining your auto insurance after your car has been repossessed?
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What branch of the federal government is responsible for auto insurance?

None, insurance is regulated by states.

Can lease auto be repossessed when you do not have insuarance?

The terms of most auto leases require that you maintain insurance. Failing to do so is typically cause for termination of the lease. If you can't afford insurance, you can't afford to drive.

Do you need auto insurance while driving a car you just repossessed are there any penal codes that state that you don't or do?

State laws vary, but generally any driver is required by state statute to have auto insurance and to carry proof of such insurance.

Are you responsible for carrying car insurance on a driver in your house over 18?

You may or may not have to provide insurance for them if they have their own vehicle but you are responsible for listing them on your auto insurance policy and providing your insurance company with their license information and birthdate.

What auto insurance do you bill if you where a passenger in auto accident?

You should be talking to the insurance company that insures the vehicle you were a passenger in. If it was a single vehicle accident they will be responsible but if it wasn't then the at fault drivers insurance would cover it.

Does cosigning an auto loan make you responsible for insurance?

Yes, you are responsible If the person you co-signed for is behind in payments and the insurance coverage expires you are responsible to insure the car until it is sold or the person gets the payments caught up and pays the insurance.

Is auto insurance responsible if driver is drunk?

If your policy excludes acts during the commission of a felony then No.

Tree falls on car in private parking lot who is responsible for car damages?

your auto insurance

When can you drop auto insurance on a repossed auto?

When your vehicle is in the process of being repossessed, the bank is starting the process of taking back ownership. If you have not maintained continuous insurance coverage on your vehicle, chances are the bank will force place insurance which will add to your loan balance. If you are anticipating repossession, keep insurance on the vehicle until the vehicle is claimed. If you intend to discuss payment arrangements to get your vehicle back, you must keep insurance prove you are financially responsible. If you do not intend to get the vehicle back you can cancel your auto insurance after the vehicle is no longer yours. When the bank takes possession, you no longer have a financial interest in the car. Notify the DMV before cancelling the insurance that you are no longer the registered owner of the car to prevent fines for no insurance with the state.

If you have full coverage auto insurance and am driving a friend's car who doesn't have insurance and you get a no insurance citation who is responsible for this citation?

the owner of the vehicle is responsible for the ticket. he/she/they are legally required to at least have the minimum liability coverage your state requires.

Does health insurance cover bodily injury in an accident?

Different states and policies can have different benefits and coverages. Health insurance will cover medical costs related to an auto accident but in most states they are secondary to automobile insurance. This means that the auto insurance will be responsible for payment first and health insurance will pay after that. If the health insurance company goes ahead and pays the claim or at least the first few bills then you receive payment of file for payments on the auto insurance you will be responsible for reimbursement to the health insurer.

If you have an auto accident and don't have insurance will the person responsible for the accident insurance pay for your repairs?

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