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Possibly if the boulder was in the roadway, but if it was actually on your property then they are responsbile for hitting a stationary object.

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Q: Are you liable if someone hits a boulder on the curb of your property?
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Probably not. Allowing a learner to drive your car most likely would be seen as you having accepted the associated risks, because they are foreseeable.

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Move on, kick her to the curb, and find someone better.

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You have to punch them in the face. Also you should curb stomp them

Is it true that once trash is placed at the curb for the garbage truck officers may seize it and search it without warrant?

Yes, once trash is on the curb, it is no longer considered as "private property" and officers may search it as needed.

Does the city own 10 feet of the property on personal residence in Ca?

Municipalities always own the first 10 feet of land from the street curb towards your property. However, you are responsible for maintaining it at your own cost. Sound fair?! Municipalities always own the first 10 feet of land from the street curb towards your property. However, you are responsible for maintaining it at your own cost. Sound fair?!

If a vehicle parked along a curb on private property is hit by another driver who is at fault?

The driver that hit the parked vehicle would be at fault.