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Q: Are you liable for damages made to a rental unit if it was damaged during a robbery?
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If your vehicle was damaged during repossesion is the repo company liable?

Yes. If someone damages your property, they're liable.

Who is liable for damages to rented equipment?


Who pays for a house damaged by a fallen tree?

Your Home Insurance company will cover the damages. Nobody is liable for an act of Nature.

Car was recently damaged then was repossessed what happens?

If car is wrecked or damaged BEFORE the repossion takes place they still take the car "AS IS". In some states you may be liable for the damages but others it is repo'd AS IS.

Who is liable for damages that a thief causes?

The Thief is liable for the damages he causes. No one else. Take Care Insurance Plus

What if repossession agent damages RV or personal property during repossession under Texas law?

Then they're liable for the damages. You need to file a police report immediately.

Who is liable for damages from an hit-and-run unlicensed driver and the insured owner of the vehicle was the passenger?

Both the Driver and the Owner are liable for the damages. The driver, whether licensed or not is the primarily liable party. The insured passenger owner is secondarily liable for damages by the unlicensed driver he permitted to operate his vehicle.

How is the word liable used in a sentence?

He is liable for the damages caused to the property.

Are police liable for damages done to a car that was searched while it was impounded because of drug charges?

If no drugs were found and you were aquitted completely, then they are liable for damages.

Are you liable if your fence falls on your neighbors car during a hurricane?

No, nobody is liable for an act of nature. Your neighbors will have to look to their own Comprehensive Auto Insurance to cover windstorm damages to their vehicle

What if you destroy property during the marriage?

If it is marital property it is jointly owned and either party can do with it what they like. If it was separate property you are liable for the damages.

Who is liable for the damaged caused by a faulty part?

It depends on manufacturer, type of part, your locale, type/amt damages but it's almost impossible to get consequential damages on a failed part. It's tough to even get a replacement unless we are talking about an auto manufacturer or something