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No, You would generally not be liable for Storm damage to a car while on your property. It is not customary to hold an individual legally liable for acts of nature that are beyond our control. Storm damage to a vehicle is generally covered under the Auto Owners Insurance Policy Comprehensive coverage Portion. An exception might rarely be construed if a vehicle was left in your care and custody, usually on a fee for service basis, and you somehow failed within your expected or implied ability to take reasonable action to secure it safely.

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Q: Are you liable for a car damaged by a storm while on your property?
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The comprehensive coverage on your vehicle would cover the damage. In most cases no one is liable for any storm damage. The (seldom) exception would be if you left your vehicle for repairs (let's say) and the shop did not use due diligence to protect your property. And even then it would be a rare occurance when the shops policy would cover 'a act of God'.........

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Your landlord's insurance should take care of it. Legally your landlord is liable as they own the tree and supposedly should have had it checked and trimmed to prevent that.

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The LENDER is responsible for every detail of a repossession. They may pass the costs of repair on to the repo company.

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You are not personally responsible for any debts or obligations incurred by the incarcerated person. HOWEVER, the POA makes you a 'steward' of that person's property and if you squander or 'waste' it while administering it you could be held liable.

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even if it is a private parking lot they are not liable for any damage .well that's how it is in montreal.

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Insurance. A fire department can use any means necessary to extinguish a fire. If a property is damaged, chances are it was to prevent the fire from spreading.

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You are.