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According to the US National Bureau of Transit Statistics (refer to the link, below), as of 2006 there were approximately 250.1 million "registered vehicles" (i.e., passenger cars, trucks, and buses used for private or commercial purposes, excluding public transit vehicles) in the USA, while the population of the 50 US States in 2006 (recorded on July 1, 2006*) was approximately 298.8 million, according to the US Census Bureau (refer to the link, below). Therefore, there are more people in USA than there are cars.

* (n.b., even though the Census Bureau's figures in the link are estimated through July 1, 2007, the BTS estimates only go to 2006, so the Census Bureau's "July 1, 2006" column was used rather than the 2007 column)

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Q: Are there more people in the US than cars?
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