On any Interstate highway the minimum speed you can travel is 45 mph. On some highways that were grandfathered into the system it can be as lows as 40 mph. On state roads the minimum speed is always posted if there is one. Otherwise the law states that you cannot drive at a speed that impedes the flow of traffic. That determination will be made by an officer of the law.
The four types of speed laws are: Basic speed laws: Drivers must always drive at a safe speed based on road conditions. Minimum speed laws: These laws set a minimum speed that drivers must maintain on certain roads. Absolute speed limits: These laws specify the maximum speed limit that must not be exceeded. Variable speed limits: Speed limits that can change based on factors like traffic flow or weather conditions.
As you know the minimum amounts for liability insurance vary from state to state. Alabama has as its minimum requirements the following the minimum liability limits are $25,000 for injury liability for one person, $50,000 for all injuries and $25,000 for property damage in an accident.
They mean if you drive over 50 MPH, you will get a speeding ticket.
That varies between states, who have jurisdiction to set speed limits in their respective state.
Varies by state. Usually 0mph. Usually states set their own limits just like they set their own speed limits. Also many if not all states will preempt a minimum speed if doing such a speed is going to cause a collision. Samples: Connecticut: 40mph minimum, preempted if congestion or traffic is ahead. Rhode Island: Speed Limit-10mph, allows drivers to set speed limit based on road conditions.
what is the minimum income required to file taxes in alabama
The minimum drinking age in Alabama is 21. The minimum drinking age in Alabama never was 18. Prior to 1970 the minimum drinking age in Alabama was 21. Alabama lowered its minimum drinking age from 21 to 19 years in 1970 and raised it from 19 to 21 in 1986.
Parts of the German Autobahn do not have posted speed limits.
Yes Germany does have speed limits but on a lot of motorways they dont :)
They are not allowed to exceed speed limits
It is a 500 mile drive from Orlando, Florida to Mobile, Alabama. The trip takes a minimum of 7 hrs 30 mins if driving the speed limit and without stops.
Retirement and pensions cannot be garnished in the state of Alabama. Alabama also limits the amount that can be garnished from wages.