Car insurance companies do not require full payment upon acceptance. They do however ask for a down payment. If you go through a 3rd party you maybe able to get car insurance without a down payment.
prostitutional facilities
No, not all insurance companies require that you take a physical in order to get a policy. One such example is GEICO and Allstate.
Some Companies require one But it is not a law
Allstate does not require a pysical as one of their terms
Not sure what you are asking but insurance companies have the legal right do require proof of spending for claim settlement.
Homeowners insurance companies will generally offer insurance effective immediately at the time of the quote if you have the down payment, your home does not require an inspection, and if it otherwise meets the underwriting guidelines of the company. The policy is usually effective at 12:01 am the day the policy is bound. The insurance company will not backdate coverage to a prior date because doing so effectively makes it potentially liable for covered losses that may have occurred before the inception date of coverage, and for which it has not collected a premium.
Hazard insurance protects a homeowner against the costs of damage from fire, vandalism, smoke and other causes. When you take out a mortgage, the lender will require you to take out hazard insurance to protect their investment; many lenders will incorporate the insurance payment into your monthly mortgage payment.
Most insurance companies require full insurance coverage and not just for pregnancy. However, there are websites that assist if insurance is a financial burden.
To find malpractice insurance companies, you can start with your own insurance agent or other local insurance agents. While they may not offer the insurance you require, they will be able to point you in the right direction. You can also try for help in obtaining malpractice insurance.