Standard right hand thread.
they are right hand threads
The fan itself rotates CCW. The clutch nut is standard right hand thread, lefty loosey, righty tighty.
its in the cab right next to your left foot if it was on the clutch...
Right hand threads. Right to tighen left to loosen.
1 5/8 or 1 7/8 open end wrench and threads are left handed thread turn to your right to looseen turn to the left to tighten
Left hand threads and right hand threads differ in the direction in which they are tightened or loosened. Right hand threads are tightened by turning clockwise and loosened by turning counterclockwise, while left hand threads are tightened by turning counterclockwise and loosened by turning clockwise. This difference allows for specific applications where different types of threads are needed for secure fastening.
In a right handed vehicle the clutch is located at the left hand side. From left to right;;;;first pedal at left is clutch and second is foot break and the right leg pedal is the accelerator. In case of left handed vehicle they are in the same relative locations; accelerator on the right, brake in the middle, clutch on the left. Of course the vehicle will only have a clutch peddle if it is a standard shift.
Those are right-hand threads.
It takes a special wrench and it turns to the left to tighten and the right to loosen. You may be able to rent the wrench from Autozone.
The simple answer is left handed threads are the opposite of right handed threads. If you have heard the old adage "Righty tighty, Lefty loosey" left handed threads are the "Lefty tighty, Righty loosey". Left handed threads are used for keeping counter clockwise rotating assemblies from coming loose.