Unbalanced forces is when the forces are 0N or more. Balanced forces are 0.
If the penny isn't accelerating in some way, the forces are balanced. If it is, then they're unbalanced.
Balanced: the vector sum of all forces on an object is zero. Unbalanced: this sum it is not zero.
Both balanced and unbalanced forces can cause an object to move; however, balanced forces result in no change in an object's motion, while unbalanced forces cause an object to accelerate or decelerate.
It it called balanced forces.
The forces on the baseball are balanced when it's on the ground or on the shelf in the clubhouse, and unbalanced at all other times.
A change in an object's motion can be caused by both balanced and unbalanced forces. Balanced forces result in no change in motion, while unbalanced forces cause acceleration or deceleration in the object's motion.
I'm unable to display pictures, but I can describe the difference between balanced and unbalanced forces. Balanced forces are equal in size and opposite in direction, resulting in no change in motion. Unbalanced forces are unequal in size or not in opposite directions, causing an object to accelerate in the direction of the stronger force.
Yes, both balanced and unbalanced forces have direction. Balanced forces have equal magnitude and opposite directions, resulting in no overall change in an object's motion. Unbalanced forces have unequal magnitudes or directions, causing changes in an object's motion.
The motion in a body depends on the the balanced or unbalanced forces acting on it. If the sum of the forces is 0 then it is a balanced force and produces no motion if the sum of the forces isn't 0 then it is unbalanced force. The body will move in the direction in which the force is applied. That's about it
* Balanced: The vector sum of all forces on an object is zero. The object does not accelerate.* Unbalanced: The vector sum of all forces on an object is NOT zero, the object DOES accelerate.
The forces on a car traveling at a steady speed are balanced. The driving force from the engine is balanced by the resistive forces such as friction and air resistance. This balance allows the car to maintain a constant speed.