Yes. If your car parked on public probably, it is allowed to take photo. But police maybe ask you first before take picture on private probably for e.g your house.
he was running away from police in south Africa after the Sharpville massacrein 1960
If the police are running the serial numbers on your firearm, they'll retain custody of it while this is being done.
Yes, as long as you do not interfere with their duties while doing so.
If you tried to clean a machine while it is running, you could be caught in the moving parts and injured, or you could damage the machine.
hiya you cant get married in house arrest because you are not allowed out and no one exept police are allowed in sorry love chatterbox rhi x
Yes. Police should be allowed to use their mobiles. There is also the concept of the Defence of Duress or Defence of Circumstance, meaning they needed to break a law in order to protect life or prevent a more serious offence. They are allowed to use mobiles for policing only
it depend on the country your in but in most cases it less then 0.5 this is about one beer for an average person.
Edgar Allan Poe left pictures of a heart beating rapidly underneth the floor causing the room he was buried in to shake and echo the sound of the beating heart while the police and him were in it.
why read when you can play games
Rodney King was charged with speeding, driving while intoxicated, and refusing to obey a police order on the night of his beating.
Because of the obvious fact that their police occupation has NOTINHG whatsever to do with the business they are conducting, and conducting their private business in uniform might be misconstrued as their emplopyer (the government) somehow endorsing their product.
Police can use thermal imaging to locate criminals. the thermal image detects heat patterns the criminals will usual have more red spots than other people because they have been running for a while