

Best Answer

Online insurance quotes can be accurate but only if the party providing the information that is subject to underwriting provides good information to begin with.

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Q: Are online insurance quotes usually accurate?
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How accurate are the online automobile insurance quotes ?

In most cases online quotes shoudl be accurate with 5% variance.

How accurate are online term life insurance quotes?

Online term life insurance quotes is generally off by 10%

Where online can I get car insurance quotes for a driver in Maryland?

When looking for a car insurance quote in Maryland you should go to The quotes here are not biased so they will portray the most accurate descriptions of insurance and quotes.

Are the free life insurance quotes usually pretty accurate?

Free lifer insurance quotes are pretty accurate (not exactly spot on of course) based on the fact if you provide true information. If you hide information, then you quote will not reflect an accurate amount.

Where can one get instant car insurance quotes?

Browsing online is the easiest way to get instant car insurance quotes. There are usually ads that pop up if a blocker is not set on your computer. You have to give all your details if you want the quote to be accurate, and expect phone calls.

Are online insurance quotes similar to quotes from agencies?

In my opionion, no insurance quotes online are not similar to quotes from agencies. Agencies are more personable where online quotes are more in a generalized format.

Does axa car insurance give you quotes online?

Yes, AXA car insurance provides insurance quotes online. They also provide insurance quotes on the telephone.

How accurate are online insurance quotes?

This really depends on the source of the quote. Quotes received directly from major insurers such asProgressive or Geico will be more accurate than those received from a brokerage. Check your source!

Is it safe to get auto insurance quotes online?

It is safe to get auto insurance quotes online. These quotes are the same as you would get at a physical location.

Where can I go to compare car insurance?

To compare car insurance quotes you can go online to all state, geico, or farmers. Its also a better idea to call these companies for quotes to get a more accurate price.

Where can I get life insurance quotes online?

You can get free life insurance quotes at

How accurate are online car insurance quotes?

I have received an online quote for car insurance before and found it very reasonable as well as accurate. Then I did another quote and the prices were ridiculous. So I guess it all depends on what you need in terms of coverage.