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I once worked on a Goodman AC unit for a friend as a favor and I thought it was a very low end unit. Compressor was dead at the start of the second cooling season. But they are less expensive than the big boys so for this reason there is a market for their product and I don`t blame them. People are getting what they pay for. It`s just unfortunate the average end user most times does not know they are really doing this on the cheap, and thinking that they are getting a good price compared to some other bids they may have gotten. I should add I don`t think that particular job was done by an HVAC professional so it would not be fair to lay all of the blame on Goodman. But had the unit been equipped with some standard safeties the machine may not have hurt itself due to a simple refrigerant leak left over from original install.

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Q: Are goodman furnaces and good
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Who builds Goodman heaters?

Goodman Manufacturing Inc. makes their own heaters. They manufacture gas furnaces, electric furnaces and heat pumps for residential and lite commercial.

Where would one find reviews for Goodman furnaces?

One can find reviews for Goodman furnaces: Furnace Compare, Amazon, Buzzle, Hubpages, Goodman Manufacturing, Yelp, Right Day or Night, View Points, DSL Reports.

Where can a person go to read Goodman furnace customer reviews?

There are a number of sites which post customer reviews on Goodman furnaces. The web domains "FurnaceCompare" and "Viewpoints," for example, both provide this service.

Should you replace your Goodman furnace with a new unit if the repairman said it was a cheap brand with a high maintenance to repair but the Goodman is only five years old?

== == Goodman furnaces have 10 year warranties on all of their parts. They use the same manufacturers for their controls, motors, burners, transformers, and many other parts as the other manufacturers of furnaces. I repair all brands of furnaces and have heard similar cuts against the other brands. I find that all brands have about the same repair rate and some people may have more repairs than others even though the furnaces are exactly the same model. == == No. Goodman is an inexpensive brand, but is not cheaply made. I do not find that Goodman units break down any more frequently than Carrier, York, or Trane. I'll say no too, but I do find that Goodman breaks down more than Trane, Carrier & York in my area. I wouldn't get rid of it either, especially in these tough economic times. Maybe invest in a home heating protection plan (that covers parts &labor) from a local hvac contractor or utility.

Is Johnny Minick any relation to Howard and Vestal Goodman?

No, Johnny is not a member of the Goodman family. He was a good friend and was a member of The Happy Goodman singing group.

How good are goodman central ac units?

want to now how god the Goodman unit are thinking of installing one.

What is the correct adjective form of good?

"Good" is already an adjective. He is a goodman.

When did Charles 'Rusty' Goodman die?

be cause i think that if he is really good he want die god said if you have a good man if you dont he will die

How many types of furnaces are there?

* Walking Beam Furnace * Walking Hearth Furnace * Roller Hearth Tunnel Furnaces for thin slabs * Rotary Hearth Furnaces * Pusher Furnaces

When was The Fiery Furnaces created?

The Fiery Furnaces was created in 2000.

When was The Hour of the Furnaces created?

The Hour of the Furnaces was created in 1968.

How is Celtic jewellery made?

Moulds and furnaces