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yes they are very dangerous and should not be used ANYTIME!

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Q: Are flying cars dangerous
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Do flying cars reall?

are flying cars real

Does china have flying cars?

no china does not have flying cars

When are flying cars expected to be built?

Flying cars will be invented the day flying pigs are :)

Will there be a flying car in the future?

There are flying cars now. Google "Flying Cars".

Are cars dangerous than motorcycles or motorcycles dangerous than cars?

No. Motorcycles are dangerous than cars.

How many people want flying cars?

If you don't understand a lot about flying cars, u would probably just go ahead with the idea. I'm pretty sure most people go against the idea of flying cars. It's too dangerous too have a bunch of objects flying around in mid-air. There's no signs or lanes you could put in the sky. So to tell the truth, I'd say 1 out of 15 people would tell you they like the idea of flying cars.

Why aren't there flying cars in the world?

There are flying cars but not available for the general public.

When are the first flying cars coming to the market?

they might be selling flying cars in 2010

Are their going to be flying cars in the future?

There are already flying cars. They are just not used in commonwealth.

It is 2009 and still no flying cars when will you get them?

There are several models iof "flying cars" available

Is the flying fish dangerous?

they are dangerous to the ecosytem

Who made flying cars?

Josh Leopold did in 3 November 2010