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Yes for the entire length. There are spots where "Commercial Vehicles" over 7000 LBS are not allowed but Buses are

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Q: Are buses allowed on garden state parkway?
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Are commercial vehicles allowed on the garden state parkway?

Only to mile marker 16 and points south of that.Added: Buses, however, are exempt.

Are moving trucks allowed on the garden state parkway?

Yes from the southern tip up to exit 105. No truck are allowed on the Garden State Parkway North of exit 105.

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When was Garden State Parkway created?

Garden State Parkway was created in 1947.

Are campers allowed on the garden state parkway?

Campers and motor homes are permitted on the entire length of the parkway. This is assuming they don't have commercial plates.

Are pickup trucks allowed to travel the Garden State Parkway?

Yes - I did it last week in my pick-up!

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Is there a height restriction on the garden state parkway

Are commercial vehicles allowed to travel the garden state parkway from exit 135 to exit 136 north?

The Garden State Parkway is a restricted route from MM 18 in New Jersey to the New York state line, so no, a commercial vehicle is not permitted on it.

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Are a F 350 allowed on garden state parkway?

Nope. The signs at the entrances to it very clearly say, "no commercial vehicles allowed." Stay on the New Jersey Turnpike.

Where is the Cheesequake Rest Area on Garden State Parkway?

South Amboy, NJ. Between exits 123 and 124 on the Garden State Parkway.