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Blocked drains are not covered by homeowner's insurance. Keeping drains clear is the responsibility of the home owner and is considered routine maintenance. The insurance company may pay for damage to the home that a backup of water may cause, but any consideration that the insurer gives to such a claim would be subject to the terms and conditions of the policy. Payment would also be subject to the policy deductible.

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Q: Are blocked drains covered by homeowner's insurance?
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Does homeowners insurance cover french drains?

Whether or not an incident is covered under a homeowners policy is mostly dependent on the cause of the loss. I cannot think of any cause of loss that would be covered for damage to French drains. The only damage I can consider for French drains would be due to maintenance and maintenance is not covered on insurance.

Will hair extensions cause clogged drains?

No, generally hair extensions will not cause clogged drains. If your extension comes out and goes down the drain, that might. Generally hair extensions are weaved into your hair and it shouldn't be a problem.

Who should one contact if the drains are blocked?

One should contact a plumber is the drains are blocked inside ones home. If the drains are not blocked inside ones home, one should contact the local city service.

Why does the toilet pan fill up the top and take a while to empty?

There is probably a blocked foul drain and the flushed water can not pass through. It would be worth having your drains cleaned out (not just rodded) and if the problem persists then a CCTV survey will be needed. You may be covered on your household insurance for this work although it may be worth just paying the contractor direct. It is common for drains to become blocked by wet-wipes, papaer towels etc so try to avoid throwing them down the loo!

What was the town planning and drainage system of Indus valley civilization?

The drainage system was very well maintained. the drains from the houses joined the street drains. these drains were covered with bricks slabs.l

How do scorpions get in drains?

Scorpions can enter drains through cracks or openings in the pipes or through drain covers that are not securely fitted. They are attracted to dark, damp environments and may accidentally fall or crawl into drains while searching for shelter or food.

Where would I purchase building insurance?

Building insurance is insurance that can cover damages to your building and the costs. This insurance can cover different things such as interior decorations, pipes, drains, etc. If rebuilding your property is necessary it should be covered under the building insurance. You can buy building insurance from most insurance companies. A little research may have to be done to get the best value and the cheapest rate.

What services does the British Gas website offer?

The British Gas website has three offers right now. One of those offers is a 20% online discount for British Gas homeowners insurance. Another one is 17% off plumbing and drains.

How do people use the electric eel and how does it help us?

Electric eels are cutting devices used by plumbers to clean blocked drains.

Different between open and closed drains?

An open drain has no covers while a covered drain does.

What are the causes for the gloucestershire floods?

I live in Gloucester And my house got flooded a bit and it was because of the drains were blocked up and i thibk that was the main reason : )

Does insurance cover plumbing under the house?

If the plumbing burst and casues damage, yes. In other words, say your water heater goes and pours water all over the floor. The damage to the floors and items in your basement will be covered. Keep in mind that placing claims brings you closer to having your policy canceled. Do it wisely! Here's another answer: Depends on what you mean by "cover". If you have a plumbing problem like I did, where my main sewer line in my back yard collapsed because it was old and tree roots were crushing it, then no. If you have a collapsing sewer line, and water backs up into your basement, then in Wisconsin you would need to have a special endorsement to cover backup of sewers and drains for even the clean up and repair inside of your house to be paid for. If you are just asking if damage to your house as a result of broken pipes is covered, again I would say "it depends"! I don't think any company out there would pay to repair the plumbing, but they might pay for the resulting damage.