Yes. It probably is.
Most throwout bearings are sealed, and once they dry out and become noisy, they're done. The only option at that point is to replace them.
The manufacturer will have to provide the replacement handles. If this is not an option, then you will have to custom make them yourself. Obviously, the custom-made option is almost always more expensive.
Amazon, Overstock, and eBay will sometimes have replacement Canon IS lenses available but the best option would likely be to go to the Canon official website to find a replacement.
not exactly. replacement cost is better. receipts are not required by law, but the ins co's say that they are because people don't know better.
Best Buy is a good place to purchase replacement cables for certain types of replacement cables. If your device is an Apple product, the Apple Store could be another option.
it is usually not considered as a treatment option until the patient's pain cannot be managed any longer by more conservative nonsurgical treatment.
Grill Depot has replacement parts for you barbeque grill. Find them online at There the best option for what you are looking for. they also have after market parts.
Oppertunity cost.
No repairing the cable. Replacement is the only option.
Most home improvement centers carry replacement barbecue accessories including grills. Also, looking the manufacturer of the grill up on line to see where replacement parts can be bought would be another option.
The best option might be to go to the manufacturer of the phone; manufacturers typically offer replacement parts. You could also go to your nearest big box electronics store and ask if they can help you find replacement buttons for your phone.