You more than likely have a car with an anti-theft device on it but no "alarm" per say. Most times the keys are coded to that particular car and without the correct key for the correct car it will turn on but not crank. You have to get a key with a chip in it for that make and model of car and then program it to your specific car to start it.
Your anti theft alarm is disarmed
i can crank my car caprice 1994 passkey
How can you shut off your anti theft alarm on a 2003 Ford Ranger
How do rest anti theft
(7 Ford Mustang wont start anti theft alarm wont turn off
form_title=Install an Anti-Theft Alarm in Your Car form_header=Protect your investment by installing an alarm and tracking software. What types of anti-theft devices are you currently using?=_ Do you currently have OnStar, or a similar service?= () Yes () No Would you like a GPS monitor included in the car anti-theft system?= () Yes () No
If an alarm system will not allow a vehicle to start the kill-switch is engaging. The brain of the alarm will need to be disarmed in order for the vehicle to start.
If your Isuzu Trooper anti-theft light is not going out and your vehicle won't start, put the key in the driver's side door and lock it. Unlock it and check to see if the alarm is disabled.
How do you enable anti theft alarm on 1991 ford escort lx
When the engine isn't running and the doors are locked , the theft light should flash on and off indicating that the alarm system is armed
With the remote
i was told the anti theft will fry the computer so that they cant start it. but you could be right