Some manuals are available through sears website. If you go to and put your model number of your generator into the appropriate box you will see a list of available parts breakdowns. There should also be a box to enter what you are looking for. Type manual in that box. If there is a downloadable one available you will see it in the search results.
Click on the link below for your manual.
If you go to sears partsdirect and put in your model number you can get an owners manual directly from them.
Need owners manual for multi meter model 82022
This site carries every craftsman manual ever printed: see the related link.
Try has one.
go to the sears website
I need the belt diagram
No, but thanks for asking
You can typically download owner's manuals for Craftsman products, including the multimeter model 82003, from the official Craftsman website. Alternatively, you can contact Craftsman customer service for assistance in obtaining a manual.