A reflective orange triangle on the rear of a vehicle means it is traveling 35 mph or less. These are often found on tractors, horse drawn carriages or horses and other farm vehicles. Use caution when passing these vehicles.
It means truck.
Means you take the truck to a car wash to wash off bird smutz.
as seller
'Sign in' means to enter a website or e-mail. 'Sign out' means to log out or shut down your account.
The main sign that a truck has a bent frame is when you come to a complete stop, the truck does not stop straight. There is usually some form of vibration as well.
Depends! The sign states, "not responsible for objects coming from the roadway." This means if they run something over or a rock. etc. is flown into your vehicle from their tires, they are not responsible. All persons are required by law to make sure that any load that is being transported is secured. The hard part is proving that what damaged your vehicle came from that truck.
1500 means that it is a 1/2 ton truck. 2500 means that it is a 3/4 ton.
That means it is a 1/2 ton truck. 2500 means it is a 3/4 ton and 3500 means it is a 1- ton truck.
It means it has 8 wheels but on 2 of them are driving the truck.
A person would ride in or inside a truck, not on the truck. Riding on the truck means a person could be riding anywhere on the truck, and a person usually rides inside the truck. Riding inside the truck is more specific.
TL stands for truck load like LTL is less than truck load. It means it a complete truck load by either weight or volume.