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Warning lights are off.

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Q: After you start your vehicle ensure that the are off?
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Looking at the ground beside a moving vehicle ensure that the are off?

Looking at the ground beside a moving vehicle ensures you see if they are coming into your lane or not.

Can you start a vehicle with a normal key instead of using a security chip key?

If it does start it will shut off immediately.

What if the ignition timing is off on a 1995 Jeep Wrangler?

Then the vehicle won't start and if it does start it won't run right

Can chip in key be aliminated?

The chip in a key cannot generally be eliminated as the computer reads it to ensure it is linked with the vehicle. If the chip is removed, the vehicle will fail to start and become largely useless.

How can you tell if the fuel shut off switch needs to be reset?

if the vehicle won't start.

What can you do to unlock your Cherokee 1993 it start and after 3 seconds goes off?

Try unlocking the vehicle at the front passenger door. This will disable the security system and shou8ld allow you to start the vehicle.

If the distributor rotor is off by 180 degrees will the vehicle still start on a 1989 jeep wrangler?


How can you ensure a valid sale of a vehicle if you cannot pay off the existing lien?

A vehicle cannot be sold without a clear title. A clear title can only be obtained when all lien holders have been paid or have agreed to sign off on the lien.

Chevrolet calvalier will not start?

does the vehicle crank at all or does it not do anything>: If the vehicle dose not crank be sure to have your headlights OFF. I know that this is a problem in my 1988 Z24.

What should you ensure is off after starting your vehicle?

The emergency brake -- and also the stereo, as it distracts drivers too dumb to release the emergency brake.

What does battery do if have bad cell?

The battery is dead - you would need to boost the vehicle in order for it to start , but once you shut the vehicle off it will not start again without boosting or hooking it up to a battery charger

The battery was dead when I put jumper cables on it tried to start the keys were not in the ignetion?

Find the keys, then jump it off and try to start the vehicle.