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The thermostat needs to be adjusted. Get the super to do it.

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Q: After resetting the hot water heater it get hot but not very hot?
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Who do you go for a hot water heater leaking problem?

Yes, if your hot water heater is leaking, you need to call a plumber. A leaky water heater can be very dangerous and needs to be taken care of as soon as possible.

What is the point of using a hot water heater?

It is a water heater, not a hot water heater. There would be little point in using a hot water heater. I assume that is your point.

How do you Reset electronic hot water heater?

You can pull the front panel off the Hot Water tank and there is a red reset button on the electrical that controls the power to the elements. Or, try resetting the breaker on the electrical panel serving the tank.

What happens if your hot water heater is on but has no water in it?

If electric, the elements will blow very quickly.

Tankless Hot Water Heater?

form_title= Tankless Hot Water Heater form_header= Save money with a tankless hot water heater. Do you need to remove an old water heater?*= () Yes () No Do you want an energy efficient water heater?*= () Yes () No Where will you be installing the hot water heater?*= _ [50]

What is really called a water heater or hot water heater?

It's called water heater. There isn't a reason to heat hot water

Turn Down The Heat On Your Water Heater?

Many homeowners do not realize that they can adjust the heat settings on their home's water heater. Although you can set your water heater to heat water until it is very hot, it is a good idea to keep your water heater's settings turned down to a lower temperature. Heating your water to a very hot temperature wastes energy. Additionally, if the water in your shower or sink is too hot, it could scald members of your household. Keep your water heater adjusted so that it does not cause burns or waste energy.

Is it called a hot water heater or water heater?

It's because "hot-water" is a compound adjective, modifying "heater". It's not for heating water, it's for heating a house with hot water. There are many types of heaters that heat water, but only a hot-water heater is used for providing heated water for domestic use. A hydronic boiler also heats water, but it's only for use in radiators.The name "Hot Water Heater" is completely wrong for any use. There is no need to heat hot water. IT has always been "water heater". The term hot water heater has just been used for years because people don't realize the difference. It has always been WATER HEATER.The first answer is jibberish and makes no practical sense at all.

Can well water damage a propane hot water heater?

Only if it has a very high iron content.

new boiler and hot water heater senior 11756?

new boiler and hot water heater

Electric Hot Water Heater?

form_title= Electric Hot Water Heater form_header= Install an electric hot water heater. Is your current water heater electric?*= () Yes () No How old is your home?*= _ [50] What is your current monthly electric bill?*= _ [50]

Why do some have hot water?

Hot water in homes is produced by a device called a water heater. A water heater can be compared to a pot of boiling water. The enclosure keeps water hot throughout the day so that when the faucet is turned on, there will be an immediate flow of hot water. The people who have hot water have invested in a water heater.