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200 feet

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Q: A vehicle's horn must be capable of emitting sound audible from a distance of at least how many feet?
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Florida law requires that every vehicle be equipped with a working horn that is audible from 300 feet?

Florida Statute 316.271 - Every motor vehicle when operated upon a highway shall be equipped with a horn in good working order and capable of emitting sound audible under normal conditions from a distance of not less than 200 feet.

What means capable of being heard?

The term "audible" refers to something that is capable of being heard or perceived by the ears.

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What are the root and the meaning of 'audible'?

The English adjective 'audible' finds its roots in the ancient, classical Latin language of the ancient Romans of ancient Italy. Its root is the Latin syllable aud-. The meaning of the Latin root is capable of being heard.

Are car mounted train horns legal in California?

It's not illegal to mount them, but it would be illegal to use them in public. 27000. (a) A motor vehicle, when operated upon a highway, shall be equipped with a horn in good working order and capable of emitting sound audible under normal conditions from a distance of not less than 200 feet, but no horn shall emit an unreasonably loud or harsh sound.

What is the opposite of inaudible?

Audible."inaudible" quite literally means "incapable of being heard"; by stripping the prefix "in-", you get the word "audible", which indeed means "capable of being heard".

What is the definition of audible?

capable of being heard; loud enough to be heard; actually heard. noun

What is a perfectblack body?

If it is capable of emitting and absorbing radiations having wavelength right from 0 to infinite, then it is declared as perfect black body. Sun is a black body. Now it is in the emitting phase.

What vehicles' are not capable of exceeding 40kM?

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What is of these is a difference between EFPs and other IEDs?

An explosively formed penetrator uses explosives to shape a metal sheet into a projectile. These projectiles are capable of penetrating the armor of heavy vehicles and tanks from a distance (known as stand-off)

Can Kentucky constables have lights?

The answer is....maybe! Kentucky Revised Statute 189.950(5) states, "Any constable may, upon approval of the fiscal court in the county of jurisdiction, equip vehicles used by said officer as emergency vehicles with one (1) or more flashing, rotating or oscillating blue lights, visible under normal atmospheric condition from a distance of five hundred (500) feet to the front of such vehicle, and a siren, whistle or bell, capable of emitting a sound audible under normal conditions from a distance of not less than five hundred (500) feet. This equipment shall be in addition to any other equipment required by the motor vehicle laws. Any constable authorized by the fiscal court to utilize blue lights and a siren pursuant to this section shall maintain at least the insurance described by KRS 304.39-110." So if the Fiscal Courts says ok, it's ok.

What does 55Hz-20KHz mean in speakers?

It's the range of frequencies the speakers are capable of emitting. 50Hz-20KHz is the 'normal' range of human hearing.