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Q: A race car starts from rest and accelerates uniformly to a speed of 40 ms in 8.0 seconds how far will the car travel during the 8 seconds?
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A race car starts from rest and accelerates uniformly of 40ms in 8 seconds. How far will the car travel during the 8 seconds?

The formula for distance traveled with uniformly accelerated motion is d = 0.5 * a * t^2, where d is the distance, a is the acceleration, and t is the time. Plugging in the values: d = 0.5 * 40 * 8^2 = 0.5 * 40 * 64 = 1280 meters. Therefore, the car will travel 1280 meters in 8 seconds.

A rave car starts from rest and accelerates uniformly to a speed of 40 ms in 8.0 seconds. How far will the car travel during the 8 seconds?

The distance the car travels during the acceleration can be calculated using the formula: distance = (initial velocity)(time) + 0.5(acceleration)(time)^2. Plug in the values: initial velocity = 0 m/s, final velocity = 40 m/s, time = 8 s. Calculate the distance traveled during the acceleration.

How many meters does a car travel that starts from rest and accelerates for 4.7 seconds with an acceleration rate of 3.6 meters per second squared?

60.912 meters in that time

Sydney has a car that accelerates at 5.9ms squared. She was races Sean. Both start from rest but Sean starts 1.0 seconds early. Seans car accelerates at 3.6ms squared.?

Sydney's car accelerates at 5.9 m/s^2, while Sean's car accelerates at 3.6 m/s^2. Sean starting 1.0 second early gives him an initial distance advantage, but Sydney's higher acceleration rate means she will catch up and overtake Sean at some point during the race. The exact point of overtaking can be calculated by comparing their positions over time.

A car accelerates from rest at 2 meters per second per second What is its speed 3 seconds after the car starts moving?

6 meters per second. Explanation: After 1 second = 2 meters per second. After 2 seconds = 4 meters per second. After 3 seconds = 6 meters per second.

Would you Give me a question and answer about acceleration?

Question:A car starts from rest and accelerates uniformly. It acquires a velocity of 72 km/hr in 10 seconds. What is its acceleration?Answer:Since the car is starting fom rest, its initial velcity (u) = 0Final velocity (v) = 72 km/hr =20 m/sTime taken for change of velocity (t) = 10 secondsAcceleration, a = (v-u)/t = (20-0)/10 = 20/10 = 2 m/s2

What is the velocity of an object that starts at 45 mph and accelerates at a rate of -10 mphsec for 3 seconds?

the final velocity = initial velocity + acceleration x time; since acceleration is negative final velocity = 45 - 10x3 = 45 -30 = 15 mph

When does summer salmon starts in Washington?

Fishing tends to start out slow, then accelerates quickly through the month of August.

Time that's starts with s?


Your car starts then seconds later it shut off what wrong?

Q.Your car starts then seconds later it shut off what wrong A. that must be some crappy car

What is the shape of displasement time graph for uniformly accelerated motion?

The displacement-time graph for uniformly accelerated motion is a curve that is concave upwards. It starts with a less steep slope and gradually becomes steeper as time progresses due to the acceleration being constant.

Why my 1991 4.3 s10 starts for about 3 seconds and shuts down?

Your 1991 4.3 S10 starts for about 3 seconds then shuts down because it is faulty. Take it to mechanic to have it checked.