A garage obviously
The place where food was kept in a castle was called the "pantry." The pantry was typically a room or storage area where food items such as bread, grains, and other non-perishable goods were stored. It was an important part of the castle's infrastructure to ensure that there was enough food to sustain the residents during times of scarcity or siege.
I keep mine in my driveway. Other have garages, warehouses, parking garages, the side of the highway, etc;
The place is called "port" where ships are kept?
Depends on the climate they kept in.
...And Then Take You to a Place Where Jars Are Kept was created in 2003.
Horses are kept in a stable.
Design preference
aprroximately 120,000 Cars were on the road in 1906 due to the records kept by the Car companies.
To get from place to place faster.