The word you need is 'alley' meaning a passage through a continuous row of houses to gain access from the street to the backyard.
The narrow lane between buildings is often called an alley. It is typically used for various purposes such as deliveries, access to rear entrances, or as a pedestrian walkway. Alleys can vary in width and provide a unique character to urban environments.
There are access panels under the rear seat bottom.There are access panels under the rear seat bottom.
In the fuel tank, there are access panels under the rear seat.In the fuel tank, there are access panels under the rear seat.
I have a '93 SL and have not successfully replaced rear speakers, but if the rear seat panels are folded forward there are two plastic fasteners that can be removed to free to rear dash panel. Once those two fasteners are removed, there are two more at the outer edges, but the narrow cushion segments must be removed to access those fasteners. Now I need to figure out how to remove the cushion segments! Good Luck
directions for rear ac transistor access and repair are here:
inside the trunk on the back of the rear set there is a panel that you can remove and access the rear fuse panel
Access in rear door panel, allows you to lock/inlock rear door.
Your local zoning or subdivision regulations may have the answer. Very often it is impossible to have rear access to property, such as abutting lots in a development, the edge of town, along streams, where the property abuts a large undeveloped parcel, or where some industrial or commercial use of adjacent lots prevents installation of another street. Some property has NO access, like landlocked timber lots, which is permitted under county rules or a grandfather clause of municipal rules.
access to the rear brake lights is inside the vehicle. Open the rear hatch and on the rear corners of the vehicle, you will see a small cover plate. Take the cover plate off and this will give you access to the lights.
Located in the fuel tank may have to remove for access Check top rear of tank to see if there is an access port. Located in the fuel tank may have to remove for access Check top rear of tank to see if there is an access port.