Price floor
Optional. Pre-Socialism. Bottom limit, lower limit, price floor (stole that from the guy who answered it right!)
It was the price fixing regulations on grain and bread.
He has served the maximum two terms allowed by law.
I hear it is $100 Million
Price ceiling
Trailers are allowed on the GSP. According to NJ law as of 2007, a maximum length of 55' is allowed. Trailers weighing over 3000lbs. will require brakes.
On a state level, Texas has no maximum security deposit. Individual municipalities, however, can set a cap for residential rental properties.
it is th intermological theogomolic substance of the roman empire henceforth he supeth to the firnial and puketh. Or rather, a law stating the maximum price that certain goods could be sold for
Trailers are allowed on the GSP as long as they are not commercial vehicles. According to NJ law as of 2007, a maximum length of 55' is allowed. Trailers weighing over 3000lbs must have their own brakes.
They will charge based on the laws of the jurisdiction. And they will charge the maximum allowed under the law, but must have the court agree.
An American state where slavery was not allowed by law was called a "free state." These states did not permit the practice of slavery within their boundaries, in contrast to states where slavery was legal.