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Q: A loop pattern that opens toward the thumb is known as a?
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What is t he loop pattern that opens toward the thumb is known as?

im not sure but if you find out could you please email me and ask me.

What muscle brings the little finger toward the thumb?

The muscle responsible for bringing the little finger toward the thumb is called the abductor digiti minimi.

What is the most common fingerprint?

The most common fingerprint pattern is the loop, which occurs in about 65-70% of the population. Within the loop pattern, there are ulnar loops (looping toward the little finger) and radial loops (looping toward the thumb).

What helped zero as he and Stanley made their way toward the thumb?

zero as he and stanley walked torwards the thump

What is the better known name for the Human Polex?

The thumb

What will the other muscle do while the thumb is pulled toward the finger?

When one muscle contracts, the other one expands.

What goddess is known for here green thumb and her daughter Persephone?

The goddess Demeter would be known for a green thumb, as she is the Goddess of Agriculture. She is also the mother of Persephone, fathered by Zeus.

Which of the following anatomical terms refers to the thumb?

The anatomical term that refers to the thumb is "pollex."

What finger has only 2 bones?

The thumb has only 2 bones, known as the proximal and distal phalanges.

Is the thumb the lateral digit of a hand?

If standing in anatomical position with palms facing out, the thumb is the lateral digit of the hand, as lateral means "away from midline" vs. medial, which would be toward the midline of the body.

What is purlicue?

The purlicue is the space between the extended thumb and the index finger on the back of the hand. It is also known as the "thumb web."

What is a toe thumb?

A toe thumb, also known as a hitchhiker's thumb, is a genetic trait where the thumb is shorter, wider, and bends backward at an angle, resembling a toe. It is a harmless variation in thumb anatomy that affects some people.