A rut.
it suppose to be a word that can be spelled by changing one letter in the word rat. And that is from WORD LADDERS if you ever use them. Or else, you don't need to think about the word rat. Just think about rut.And the word is rut.
a groovy wheel.
A pulley for a drive belt.
A furrow
A gully is a deep groove in the ground that sounds somewhat like bully.
black people
Tire out of balance, defective tire, bent wheel, loose wheel, worn steering parts, worn or loose wheel bearing, worn suspension parts.
The drum should come off as soon as the wheel is removed. There is nothing holding the drum in place except the wheel. If it seems stuck the brake shoes have probably worn a groove into it, and you may have to back off the brake adjuster to get it off.
A wheel, a groove and a rope/chain.
This is called a pulley.